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The annual meeting of the Northeast High School Alumni Assn.
will be held on Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 at 7:00pm at Maywood
Baptist Church, 10505 E. Winner Rd., Independence, MO 64052.

The purpose of the meeting is to elect Directors for the Alumni
Board and conduct other business that may be of interest to
the membership.  We encourage all Lifetime and Regular
(dues paid - refered to as active) members to attend this important

The nominating committee will recommend candidates
on the official ballot whom they have determined through an
established process, as worthy of your support.  Other candidates
may be written in on the ballot, or candidates nominated from the
floor at the annual meeting, will be added to the official ballot.

Voting procedures will be strictly adhered to at the meeting.


All Active/Lifetime members may vote at the general meeting. 
Absentee voters (voters who are unable to attend the meeting)
and voters who wish to vote by proxy (voters who are authorizing
another active alumni member to vote in their place) may receive
a ballot from the treasurer of the Association.

Two methods of request may be employed:

1) If using postal mail:
Your request must be received 2 weeks prior to the meeting to
provide time to confirm your eligibility, return your ballot, and
then have time to receive and record your completed ballot.

2) By Email to aewkcfan@comcast.net :
If using email, requests must be received one week prior to the
meeting and confirmation of eligibility along with a ballot will be
sent by return email.

In case of an absentee voter, completed ballot mst be received
by return email no later than Friday, October 16th. 

In case of proxy voter, they must be in attendance at the meeting
and bring a copy of the ballot they they received by email.

Copyright © 1999 Northeast Alumni Association. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 01, 2020