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Definitions to keep in mind while selecting NEHS Notables:

·         Worthy of Note:  Remarkable, Distinugished and Prominent

·         Remarkable:  Worthy of being or likely to be noticed, Uncommon, Extraordinary

·         Distinguished:  Marked by Eminence, Distinction or Excellence

 1.      The person has received a well-known and significant award or honor, or has been nominated for     one  several  times.   

2.      The person has made a widely recognized contribution that is part of the enduring historical record in his or her specific field.

3.      The person is regarded as an important figure or is widely cited by peers or successors.

4.      The person is known for originating a significant new concept, theory or technique.

5.      The person has created or played a major co-creating role; of  a significant or well-known work or collective body of work that has been the subject of an independent book, feature-length film, or of multiple independent periodical articles or reviews. 

6.      The person’s work either (a) has become a signification monument (b) have been a substantial part of a significant exhibition, (c) has won significant critical attention, or (d) is represented within the permanent collections of several notable galleries or museums.

7.      The person has received a highly prestigious academic awarded or honor at a national or international level.

8.      The person is in a field of literature of the fine arts and meets the standards of notability in that art.

9.      The person who by volunteering his time and efforts to the Northeast community and has enriched the lives of the individuals within the community and contributed to the betterment of society because of his actions.

10.  The person who has dedicated a major portion of their life to the distinguished service of the United States either nationally or internationally as in but not limited to - servicemen and women, medical personnel, first responders, religious leaders, secret service, diplomats and ambassadors.  Persons who have died or been seriously wounded in service to our country or neighborhood are automatically awarded notable status.

 People are likely to be notable if they meet any of the above standards.  Failure to meeting these criteria is not conclusive proof that a subject should not be included, conversely, with the exception of the last part of item 10, meeting one or more of these criteria will not guarantee that a subject should be included.  A person who fails to meet these criteria may still be notable.  Common sense and occasional exceptions many apply.

 NOTE: Individuals must have attended Northeast High School but they do not have to have graduated from Northeast to be considered for Notable  status.  

Revised & approved by notable working committee with the addition of items 9 & 10 - October 1, 2015

Revised & approved at annual Jan board meeting  - NOTE sentence changed to included “attended NEHS” 1/9/2016

Copyright © 1999 Northeast Alumni Association. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 01, 2020